Friday 4/30/21 CannaLinks

Welcome to the Friday edition of Crossroads Cannablog! I hope everyone had a great week and that you have an even better weekend! We've got some gems today! Some strain and product reviews that span from coast to coast, some science geek cannabis knowledge, a look at last years High Times Cannabis Cup Illinois winners, and a bit of political talk-talk that concerns us and our plants of choice. So, let's get to it! Weed Entertainment has a new piece up on LA's Top 30 Best Cannabis strains. As always, very informative. If you're in the LA area give us a shout and let us know if you agree! Next up is the ever informative Cannabis Critique! He is reviewing the Cookies and Cream strain from Revolution , in Illinois. He is not the only person to give Revolution good marks, as you'll see in the High Times video! Revolution is really starting to spread out in Illinois and their popularity is warranted. Here's a short taste test from Alex, over in Pennsyl...