Some Weekend Reviewing: Good News Disposable Vape Pens

Hello and welcome to another review! Today's review is of the Good News Me Time and Friyay 300mg disposable vape pens. Good News is yet another of Cresco Labs labels. These highly popular vape pens are available in Illinois and in Michigan, (and probably other markets where Cresco has a presence). Frankly, these vape pens are a good value in most places. In Illinois they run around $35-40 and in Michigan they run in the $20-25 range. Needless to say, it's worthwhile to pick up a couple or a few, if you're in Michigan. These are both top notch products and the fact that both routinely sell out at dispensaries (especially the Friyay) speaks to their popularity. There's a reason for that, too! Folks that use these know they're getting a good product. So, on to the Me Time. The blue Me Time vape is an Indica dominant vape. The aroma, if you take a whiff from the opening, is fruity and a bit reminiscent of bubblegum. The taste is also very nice and smooth with a fruiti...