Monday 5/24/2021 Links And News

Hello and welcome to another edition of Crossroads Cannablog! I do hope everyone had a great weekend and is planning for a great week! There are some nice links featured today from some great content providers and even some news! If you like the blog, please subscribe and please pass it along! So, let's get to it, shall we? Some of my favourite cannabis connoisseurs have had a great time getting introduced to new strains and they are great at sharing their opinions on these cannabis strains and forms. And I love putting them up here for even more people to see and experience them! First up we have Chris, at CannaBev . He really wants folks to get Cookie Dos, from Revolution (an Illinois grower). Chris never fails to inform me in an interesting fashion and this episode gets 5 Stars for being the funniest review, yet! Bobs Bomb Buds gives a nice look at Stardust OG. I must say that, going by Stardust's lineage, it looks like a nice bud! Over at ...