Monday 4/26/21 CannaLinks

Hello, and welcome to a new week! We have a few things to look at today. We have some great video reviews, a podcast on a cannabis documentary called "Weediatrics", (about parents using cannabis to treat their children even when the powers that be forbid it), a great piece from Katherine Mangu-Ward on how to talk to your young kids about cannabis, another great review from Cannacentric Films on Aeriz's Cake Breath flower, a great little video from Green Flower and Samantha Miller on understanding cannabinoids, and a Talk and Toke review from the inimitable Cannabev. So let's get to it, shall we? First up is a short article from Katherine Mangu-Ward, at Reason Magazine, on how to talk to your kids about cannabis. As someone who has young adult "kids" I never had to deal with this issue when I re-entered the cannabis culture. I did have to spend some time undoing all the lies that their government schools allowed the cops in D.A.R.E. to try and brainwas...