Friday 4/30/21 CannaLinks
Welcome to the Friday edition of Crossroads Cannablog! I hope everyone had a great week and that you have an even better weekend!
We've got some gems today! Some strain and product reviews that span from coast to coast, some science geek cannabis knowledge, a look at last years High Times Cannabis Cup Illinois winners, and a bit of political talk-talk that concerns us and our plants of choice. So, let's get to it!
Weed Entertainment has a new piece up on LA's Top 30 Best Cannabis strains. As always, very informative. If you're in the LA area give us a shout and let us know if you agree!
Next up is the ever informative Cannabis Critique! He is reviewing the Cookies and Cream strain from Revolution, in Illinois. He is not the only person to give Revolution good marks, as you'll see in the High Times video! Revolution is really starting to spread out in Illinois and their popularity is warranted.
Here's a short taste test from Alex, over in Pennsylvania, for a Select Elite Lemon Grenade Enhanced Live Resin vape cartridge. One thing I will agree with Alex on is that cartridges all too often have far too large a headspace in them. Perhaps they have a full dosage of the product, but it doesn't look it and it does worry lots of folks that they are getting less than advertised.
Well, it is awards show season, and High Times is currently in the process of judging for this years Cannabis Cup, so I thought I might post one up for the Illinois folks. This way they can see what the People's Choice was last year. There were some truly good entrants (Snoozeberry edibles are indispensable!) and some great winners. I can't wait to see what this years entrants from Illinois and Michigan are!
OK, if you're like me and are a science geek then this is right up your alley! The Anatomy of THC by the Institute of Human Anatomy, is one of the nerdiest and coolest short videos I have seen in some time. Ever wondered why you get the munchies? Cotton mouth? Red eyes? Well, give them 9 minutes and you will be enlightened!
Alright, I saved the political talky-talk for last. I know many people aren't that into it, and I agree, but cannabis legalisation is here and coming to other places, maybe everywhere if we get lucky. Love it or hate it, the politics of cannabis affects us all. So, here are a couple of shorts from folks who pay attention and see what's coming and how it can help or hinder our movement.
First up is Stephen Kent and Jacob Rich, from the Reason Foundation, discussing legalisation, and prohibitionists' new moves to limit THC content. That's an issue we all need to fight.
And then we have a short commentary from LMC on Delt-8 and why its acceptance may be detrimental to us and staving off attempts to limit cannabis potency. Delta-8 is nice, but the prohibitionists are looking at it and seeing that many cannabis consumers are OK with it, even when it takes twice as much or more, to achieve the same high and effects as normal THC. THC caps are not a road we should ever be willing to go down, or accept.
Well, folks, that's it for this Friday! I'll definitely see you next week and maybe over the weekend with a new review! Stay Happy, Stay Healthy, Stay High! - *M*
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