Monday Links, News And Reviews 6/14/21

Hey, everyone, and welcome to another Crossroads Cannablog! Seems like everyone has been super busy and I'm happy to share their excellent content with you, again. And don't forget to like, subscribe and comment at their channels! And ours! Shall we start with the reviews? We do have a few to get through and folks chose some killer strains to share with you this time around! First up are a pair of reviews from Bob's Bomb Buds . Now, "Bob" is in Canada, but cannabis strains know no borders these days. The Skywalker OG review is great and Skywalker can be found many places down here! Island Pink Kush , though, is one I have yet to see, but I am looking forward to it! It sounds entirely consumable! Cannacentric Films has another great review online. This go around it is OZ Kush BX2 from Bedford Grow . Lots of genetics info, as usual and a good look at an Illinois weed you might need! Cannabis Critique went out and got some Mint Cake from Cresco...