Monday 5/10/21 Links and Info




Hello! Happy Monday and welcome to a new week of Crossroads Cannablog. I've got a few very good links to some great content! I'm going to try some new formatting to aid in presenting things, let me know what you think!


TVape has their review/ranking of the Top 5 Best Oil Pens And 510 Batteries of 2021. These look really nice and have some great features, but we'll keep our eyes peeled for any new ones, as well, 2021 has barely begun.


The ever cheerful and always informative Cannabis Coach Haley has a review of Genius Pills from 1906. These sound like a nice addition for daytime use!


Chris, from CannaBev, has a nice review of the Lava Cake strain from Aeriz, (an Illinois aeroponics grower). I have liked Aeriz's products when I have tried them. They do a good job when it comes to growing quality cannabis!


Welcome to the information section! Here I am posting content that...informs. How to's and news from the cannabis world!

First up is another installment from Coach Haley. This is one for the beginners and I wish I'd seen it when I bought my first battery! None of mine have ever come with instructions. Problem solved, thanks to Coach Haley!

The Ganja_Guy has a video on how to produce your own RSO. I do caution you to follow his instructions on ventilation and open flames. 

Stop Living In Pain 


A new study shows that cannabis offers immediate relief from nausea. Most of us could have told them that, but it's great that the scientific and medical community can prove what we've known forever!

Cannabis Offers Immediate Nausea Relief, Study Shows


And...that's a wrap for today! I hope you'll be back soon (you can subscribe!) to see what I run across next! Till then, fellow cannabinists, Stay High and Stay Healthy! - *M*


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