Reviews, Links And News 7/11/21
Hello all and welcome to another edition of Crossroads Cannablog! Get your fingers ready to tap or click, we've got some stuff to look at and enlighten us on our Cannabis Culture journeys!
First up!
I'm thinking there is just no better way to start things off than with yet another fantastically funny and informative review from Dan, over at Dan's Buddha Bodega! This time around he's reviewing Kosher Dawg from Verano. Now, I'm a fan of Verano's flowers. I have yet to run into one that was crappy.
Doc, over at Weed Entertainment has another review up and this time it's on Chewbacca, an Indica Hybrid by Cookies.
And Cannacentric Films hits us up with a review of Macnanna strain flower from PTS. I have to say, it sure does look nice! And this strain is, at the moment, exclusive to PTS and its customers.
Next up, we have some product reviews. After all, why not have good equipment to enhance your consumption?
First up is a review of the Rage E-Nail from Steam Engine USA. This rig looks like a beast! And it's not oversized, compared to many others I have looked at and I like the water pipe feature! As is always the case there is some NSFW language.
RuffHouse Studios introduces us to another Swiss Army Knife of a rig that looks really good, Curer vaporizer by LTQ Vapor. I wish he'd have shown us all the features, but I'll take what I can get. This gives you a nice taste of what you can expect. And, after a quick look around, the price points on this one run under $100. That's great! If you have one let us know about it in the comments! (Note: I went online and ordered one from Vapesourcing for $79!)
And now for some news and DIY!
The folks over at Veriheal have a very short tutorial on making your own cannabutter for edible infusions.
Matt, at the Strain Show explains Wake and Bake and why we seem to get so much higher when you hit it first thing in the morning. If you aren't watching the strain show, you should be! Matt's great and his info videos are very well done! I will certainly be featuring Matt's show often!
And, in another one from Matt, is his video on the "M" word (marijuana). I agree with him and have avoided using it for a long time.
And that's it for this delayed issue. I was traveling this last week and recovering once I got back. The next issue will be out soon and I already have some really great stuff lined up! Till then, my cannabis culture family, Stay Happy, Stay Healthy and Stay High! - *M*
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