Review: Verano Reserve Premium Cartridge - Wedding Cake (500mg)


Happy Hump Day and welcome to a new review! Today's review is of yet another of Verano's products from it's Reserve line. This is my first go 'round with a Verano cartridge and I must say that I was not disappointed! These Reserve products are a bit more expensive and, frankly, in most cases it's worth it but Verano is taking a real chance with these, especially given that Illinois prices are already higher than most places. Still, if you are looking for a nice quality cannabis product, Verano is not letting their customers down.

As you can see this cartridges oil packs an impressive punch, coming in at a whopping 86.7% THC potency! Not a vape cartridge for beginners. I do wish they would include the terpene profile for this extract. It would definitely help out folks looking for specific effects.

 One very minor drawback, in my opinion, is that the cartridge does not have a mouthpiece or bottom stopper, as many other brands do. I don't think there would be enough evaporation to matter, and the tube it came in protects it pretty well. But you could definitely smell the contents of the cartridge. 

When I first opened the tube and got a look at the cartridge, I was a bit taken aback. The oil is rather thick and is a nice light colour, but due to the way it was stored it did not look full (it wasn't full, as most cartridges I have seen are not). After sitting out overnight the oil managed to creep down from one side and looked much more acceptable! Still not filled to the brim, though.

Now, on to the good part! I have had Verano's Wedding Cake Flower before, (here). I am normally an Indica person but the Wedding Cake Hybrid is really nice and quite effective at treating pain and getting you relaxed. The first thing I did was get a sniff from the mouthpiece. It's an interesting scent. A bit hoppy with nice fruity notes. Berry, maybe? This cartridge draws nicely and the hits produced some serious clouds. Oddly, the cartridge version of this strain had a distinctly woody taste on the initial draws and a grassy taste on the exhale. Now, down to the effects! 

The lift on this takes a few minutes and starts in the eyes and head and spreads, eventually, to a nice and relaxing body high. A single 3 second draw had me relaxed after about 1/2 an hour but it took another to get me to the point that my pain levels had dropped to barely noticeable. About half an hour after my 2nd hit my pain levels were good, I had a nice heady high and was very relaxed. I was still functional (I made dinner and managed to make some good notes). I did not experience a sedative effect with this one, and I figure that's the Hybrid side. It didn't aid with sleep, as some of my favourites do, but it was good, nonetheless. My opinion is that Verano's Wedding Cake cartridge is a good medicine and no recreational users would be disappointed! If you see this and want to give it a try, go for it! This is a good product. My only beef is cost, but you get what you pay for!



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